Health Benefits Plan

Tailored solutions for your unique objectives

Group insurance benefits represent a significant financial obligation to the plan sponsor while playing an important role, alongside government sponsored benefit programs, in providing for the well-being of employees and their families. We appreciate that each plan sponsor has unique objectives.

Recognizing this diversity, we strive to find creative and flexible solutions and are committed to ensuring that plan sponsors get the best value for their benefit dollar. As advisors, we represent virtually all insurance suppliers. This enables us to make truly objective recommendations to our clients that put their needs first.

Our services include:

  • Needs analysis
  • Plan design
  • Plan implementation
  • Administrative support
  • Claims resolution
  • Renewal rate analysis
  • Cost containment
  • Plan marketing

Product & Services

A benefit plan is definitely not a “one size fits all” solution. A group benefit plan can take on many different forms depending on the size of the group, the objectives of the plan sponsor and the benefit plan budget.

The characteristics and requirements of each group must be thoroughly analyzed and reviewed so that the benefit plan matches the objectives of the Plan Sponsor. Our goal is to provide clients with access to a wide range of Group Benefits Programs which are suitable to their specific situation, while helping to manage rising costs.

The information provided is intended to outline some of the main features of each benefit, describe some of the Plan design options available and identify to plan sponsors and administrators areas that should be given consideration when designing their Benefit Plans.

If you are looking at setting up a Health Benefits Plan or reviewing your existing plan, we will work with you. We can help you obtain the coverage that is suitable for your needs.     Contact us for your consultation.



Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Phone: +1 (416) 769-2707 or Email: